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hearteditorials / 1 / 2
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
nothing new
Well Nothing new again been way to busy or shall i say im just too lazy to update this blog. At times i feel like deleting this junk of mine but on the second thought it gonna be sucha waste. 2nd year of school which started prolly a month ago? Time past real fast yeah? well this semester is packed with lots and lots of project and i swear i hate it! one project which gonna be due by this freaking fri and guess what we just started it today well to be exact we just allocate who to do this role and that. Hahah soo last minute right? Hopefully we are able to make it on time:) Inshallah

Work is as per normal,im trying to work my ass out on weekdays which is after school just to earn extra money but eventually it fails cause its either im just too lazy or too tired. But i really gotta keep saving i got alot of wish list and yeah i finally got my nikon d5100 after months of saving up.. hehehe cant wait for photoshoot, USS and lots and lots of others activities.. Hee

Ah hah yeah this boyf of mine been too busy lately with his work. It have been a while since we really have a day out together. And me busy with school with a sucky timetable wherelse he'll working at the timing where i ended school. What a timing right:( But we still have the time to meet even for a while it still worth it:) Well thats love i guess sacrificing and understanding one another not forgetting trust. hehe I dont know why im typing all this haha maybe thats whats on my mind huh? well its my blog anyway.

I cant wait to for next friday with you and you owe me NANDOS!

USS TOO. Hehe too pampered huh?

Dont work too hard okay boyf. You are the greatest thing happen in my life:)

Okay i think thats all huh? Oh yea i created a tumblr do follow me if you have one yea:) Waiting for boyf call.




Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Fadd Lapar But Nak Diet uhh.. How?

Fadd Lapar But Nak Diet uhh.. How?

Answer here

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
You just pissed me off, Things wont be the same anymore.
I thought that i can trust you but it aint the same, yes i know im blamed for this to happen but you just make it worse.
You destroyed every single thing. Well maybe you are satisfied.
But one day Karma Gonna hit you back

Once the glass is broken,it turn to pieces
Once things had happen, it become memories
The glass may be glued back but it need patience and perserverence
just the same if you want your life to be back to Normal
And with determination,
Every obstacles can be overcome thru


Monday, February 07, 2011

Am Speecchless, Too many things had happened. im soo worn out at times i just want to renounce.


Monday, January 10, 2011
Sorry for being away, Been too busy with stuff. First day of school after 3 weeks of holidays was boring. I had to jeopardize my school as i have not yet done my 900 words of essay, roleplay and gosh my CA is coming soon.. im soo tempted to shop but i guess i really have to start saving from now on, i just wish that 2011 will be a better year for me hoping that everything will go smoothly. Today marks our 29 monthasary, might be meeting him later on.
Love him till the end of time


Monday, December 13, 2010
Like a G6
Reach School real early even before lecturer came in. Im sick of school life at times, soo many assignments, exams, essay, role play.. Gosh! at times i cant take it anymore..
I cant wait for Holidays:) Just one more week left.. I need to work real hard nowadays cause im soo fcuking broke! Pay coming in soon, sexcited. Im outta of words.. Toodles
Below are overdues pictures

Love does not make the world goes round, Love make the rides worthwhile.

Love him much


Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Currently in School and i am done with the assignment given.Been away for a while. Busy with school stuff, with work, with boyfriend, with practice and everything. And thanks godness roleplay is finally done and i think i did quite well this time, Alhamdulilah.Next up will be my WRB Exam on this upcoming Friday. My leg is swollen and it hurt soo bad:( And because of this, i have been a really lazy girl, i eat a lot, sleep alot and rest ALOT. All i wanted is just to sit. I Have not been doing workout for a whole fcuking week! And feels soo fat out of a sudden:( Haix. Please leg heal faster
But Baby is being a sweet Boyfren sending me back home and being patient with my attitude;)
Friday please be good i got exam to finish and practice to do.

Was watching Spiderman 3 At home On Monday and when Peter kiss Gwen Stacy scene infront of MJ and other people Baby Text me this
He: I won't be like spiderman, I won't kiss other girls i only kiss you
Awww No words could express my love to him
